Sunday, January 26, 2020

Induction Process Of Food Manufacturing Company Management Essay

Induction Process Of Food Manufacturing Company Management Essay This Research proposal focuses on the induction process of food manufacturing company that require changes in existing induction programme to improve the work quality, company performance, ethics and new academic  staff and the role of their head of department  . The research also focuses on the view of the staffs on the existing arrangements of induction. So the appropriate research chosen is survey based. Respondents reflected on personal  experiences and their narratives from existing employees would give a fine-grained  account of the same event. This proposal would observe the factors which affect staff motivation and job satisfaction and also explores previous theories of motivation. Open minded structured questionnaires were formed in the proposal to understand how to improve the quality of induction programme. Results may emphasise the importance of the management style of the manger particularly when it comes to factors such as lack of appreciation, poor communication and training. To complete this proposal I have make assumptions from the articles that related to my questions. This proposal provides clear information about the importance of induction to get better performance from the staffs in the particular food manufacturing company. Contextualisation The orientation programme should be forced to bring up to date with respect to a noticeable modification in various internal and external environment of the organisation. There are a few significant changes in the organisation, recently expanded 2 new units in addition with the existing one and also planning to put new changes as per the current trends in the market. The change in companys structure is one of the reasons to reassess the present induction method. The organisation plans to employ more staffs to work in recently developed, 2 new units such as technology based unit and recycling unit while the other functions of the firms remains same. To get expected results the induction program should be adapted to modern ways. It is expected to bring new employee training programmes includes general information about technology, recycling process, the new job descriptions, company culture, and company history. Literature review This research brings out important basic processes and approaches for the firms induction procedures with a guide for official induction course. Employee induction and socializations programs are a key aspect of ensure employees are successful in accomplishing their goals. The HR department or other persons who is supervise over new employees should run through the most important points with each individual or, when larger numbers are being taken on, with groups of people. The new requirements of professional, other individuals, agreed upon that some of the old fashion methods of management are clearly not adequate in modern world The orientation program would benefit the new employees to settle down into the organisation very quickly and become more inventive and competent members of staff within a short period of time. Induction would help the employees to restructure the workload and it will boost the competence of the work  and would be time saving.  Similarly the employees would have fewer liabilities on them after the training programme and they would be able to accomplish their objectives in time. The work rate and competence of the employees will be increased (Human Resource Solutions, Online). All organisations are legally liable for health and safety of their workforce. A high standard health and safety induction for all employees including newcomers will help to meet organisations responsibility. Organisation must inform their employees preferably on the first day about fire and safety procedures and what to do if the fire alarm goes up. If there are particular hazards, in the factory or on the building site, organisation must ensure that new workers are made aware of them and what precautions need to be taken (Anon, Online). This study has explained the conceptual area of new employee orientation programs. Researchers say that the employee orientation programs are distinguished from socialization, psychological contracts, induction, and pragmatic job previews (Wanous Reichers, 2000). Three somewhat diverse areas of academic research are used to develop a framework for the design and study of new employee orientation programs: (a) stress theory/coping methods, (b) attitude theory/change methods, (c) realistic job previews theory/methods (Wanous Reichers, 2000). The new study on newcomer orientation program should be helped by a clear definition of the conceptual domain, borrow liberally from related areas of inquiry, be conducted in field settings, and use experimental designs (Wanous Reichers, 2000). It is a legal requirement for organisations to provide their employees  a printed declaration of terms and conditions of work excluding for those employees who will be working for less than one month. During the induction process organisation should give information of issues such as hours of work that includes breaks, procedures of holidays and sick, grievance and disciplinary formalities (Business Link, Online). Proposed Methodology The study is mainly based on both Primary research methods and empirical research methods; the term empiricism is used in a number of different ways, but two stand out. First, it is used to denote a general approach to the study of reality that suggests that only knowledge gained through experience and the senses is acceptable. In other words, this position means that ideas must be subjected to the rigours of testing before they can be considered knowledge. The second meaning of the term is related to this and refers to a belief that the accumulation of facts is a legitimate goal in its own right. It is the second meaning that is sometimes referred to as naÃÆ' ¯ve empiricism. (Bryman A and Bell E, p-9 2003) The primary research has been planned to conduct through structured interview from the basis of the secondary research literature review analysis on data available from the records in organisation. An important phase in the collection of data is the selection of units to which the data relate.(Bryman, 1989). Data will be collected through interviews and questioners. All employees including top level and bottom line and HRM will be selected to this process. Structured Questionnaires will be provided to the related subject matter. Secondary sources of informations relating to induction process will be collected through online, like government published details and surveys will be looked. Details of the current changes in HRM and induction process will be taken from latest news paper articles and journals published. The primary data will be collected through interviews with all the employees in the organisation and passing on the questionnaires to them. The questionnaire is prepared with help of Business research methods by Bryman A and Bell E, (pp-155-174, 2003) one of the most significant considerations for many researchers is whether to ask a question in an open or closed format. With an open question respondents are asked a question and can reply however they wish. With a closed question they are presented with a set of fixed alternatives from which they have to choose an appropriate answer (Bryman A and Bell E, pp-156, 2003) Pilot Method Some of the sample questionnaires are given below Objectives of Orientation Rating For the organisation Organisations induction process gives an understanding about the history of the company and its products Strongly disagree Disagree unsure Strongly agree Agree Part of induction contains communicating and accumulating guidance on policies and procedures such as health safety, holidays, sick, performance, sales etc Strongly disagree Disagree unsure Strongly agree Agree It involves set up work goals: department and company objectives Strongly disagree Disagree unsure Strongly agree Agree For the job Let the beginners to meet up colleagues with whom they will be working together Strongly disagree Disagree unsure Strongly agree Agree Induction provides appropriate guidance to facilitate the post holder to perform their duties Strongly disagree Disagree unsure Strongly agree Agree Induction allows the post holder to realize their job details and how they suit within the frame work of the company Strongly disagree Disagree unsure Strongly agree Agree Source: Scribd, A questionnaire on new employee induction The motives behind above mentioned questions are because these questionnaires should help to find out the views of the employees about their job and company as well. It will also help to find out what changes has to be implement in the induction process of newcomers and existing employees To shape the plan of the research to be carried out, most important is to heap up some qualitative data on the company, the human resource department and the functions of it. This initial data collection can make able to collect information on the existing recruitment and training on various departments. It brings out a clear cut idea about the employees and the functions. As a part of research it is very essential to get in touch with the HRM to discuss about the research. To collect the secondary datas a meeting should be arranged with the top level managers and interview them and collect details about the employees. It is necessary to meet up the employees individually as much as I can and conduct a one to one discussion with them. Its the difficult part of the research because this may take a long and the employees should be at work or may be their break. The questionnaire is prepared and circulated among the employees randomly. Final part of the research is to distribute the questionnaires among the employees with the help of HRM and the line mangers and ask the employees to record their opinion that asked in the questionnaire and no need to mention their identity. Time Table Prepare proposal by 22 January Complete literature review by 25 January Complete fieldwork by 18 Feb Complete analysis by 21 Feb Complete final Proposal by 26 Feb Discussion of Limitations and improvements: The structured interview is the most accessible process for this research but the important thing is it has to be reached to a very large group. To get through a large group it is very vital to follow survey questionnaire, which has no possibility of getting senior employees valuable suggestions. This structured interview can be better to be printed and distributed to the large numbers. It is very hard to sample the qualitative data. Managing these feedback and analysing, will be a gigantic and tricky task. It will be a mass data as per the number of interview increases. But a questioner survey can cut down this effort By being in the organization for only 2-3 hours a week for 5 6 weeks, there are some hurdles to overcome such as it would be very difficult to meet various department employees they are working in different shifts. Being a visitor may also have some limits as well. The time to fill the questionnaires and sending back to me by employer and managers might take some time. Another possible limitation would be time consuming for the interviewers to administrator. Interviewers are likely to talk for longer than is usually the case with a comparable closed question and the organisation contains around 500 employees to meet all employees within six week is not possible because they are all work in different shifts some employees may be in their holidays. The possible improvement would be a wider literature review is needed. More and more articles and journals related to the topic should be found out for the research and always kept updated.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Personality Determinants Essay

Heredity refers to those factors that were determined at conception. Physical structure, facial attractiveness, gender, temperament, muscle composition and reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms are characteristics that are generally considered to be either completely or substantially influenced by who your parents were, that is by their biological, physiological and inherent psychological makeup. The environmental factors that exert pressures on our personality formation are the culture in which we are raised, our early conditioning, the norms among our family, friends and social groups, and other influences that we experience. The environment to which we are exposed plays a substantial role in shaping our personalities A third factor, the situation, influences the effects of heredity and environment on personality. An individual’s personality although generally stable and consistent, does change in different situations. The varying demand of different situation calls forth different aspects of one’s personality. We should not therefore look upon personality patterns in isolation. Subconscious Programming Most of us sometimes get programmed / conditioned by a wrong messages that â€Å" do not do that†, â€Å"don’t take the risk†, â€Å"you cannot do that† you are not good in †¦and so on†¦.. You can imagine the bad effect such message can have on any person. Our Conscious Mind is like a watch man. And the Subconscious Mind is a store of all the previously programmed or conditioned information / knowledge/ believes. Now programming personality means putting positive believes/ information into the store without the knowledge of the watchman (conscious mind). Suppose you tell yourself that â€Å"you are good at Public Speaking†. And the store has stored based on peoples comments and experience that â€Å"you are poor in communication† â€Å"you cannot speak well in public†, â€Å"you don’t have an impressive body language† †¦.. The watch man sees your sentence and compares it with the knowledge in its store and says â€Å"this information is wrong†. The watchman throws the new information away. He does not allow the new positive information into the store. This is the fundamental difficulty in changing personality & behavior of a person. Now the question is how and when we could program our mind for positive personality trait without the obstruction of watchman†¦ The answer is we can program our mind for positive personality traits during the Twilight period just before sleeping and just before waking up. This is the time when the conscious mind is active enough to generate the positive traits for entering into store but inactive to judge/compare and will not obstruct to the positive traits to enter into the subconscious store house. Reinforced Programming / Conscious Programming Autosuggestion and Repetition of the positive traits despite negative response from comparison with the store house also gives success in programming for personality traits. Auto-suggestion is a statement made in the present tense, of the kind of person you want to be. Auto-suggestion are like a commercial about â€Å"Super You†, or â€Å"Future Super You† for yourself what you want to be or achieve. They influence both your conscious and subconscious mind in the long run shaping your personality and attitude. Auto-suggestions are the conscious way to programme the subconscious mind for positive traits. It is the effective method of voluntary development of positive traits and attitudes. Auto-suggestion should be mixed with emotions. All such reinforced / conscious programming which have been emotionalized (giving feeling) and mixed with applied faith, begin immediately to translate themselves into physical or real equivalent. Auto-suggestive thoughts which are mixed with any of the feeling of emotions constitute a â€Å"psycho-magnetic† force which attracts other similar or related thoughts. Our subconscious mind resembling a fertile garden spot, in which weeds will grow in abundance if you the seeds of more desirable crops are not sown therein. Auto-suggestion is the agency of control through which an individual can voluntarily feed his subconscious mind on thoughts of creative/ positive nature or by neglect permit thoughts of a destructive nature to find their way into the rich garden of mind. So Caution should be taken while programming your mind for positive traits only. Defensive Approach One of this type of approach is protest or deny the negative traits at it’s very beginning of the entering in the subconscious store. And the second is to consciously avoid this type of environment or situation. In real life situation it is very difficult because it may lead to confrontation and argument or Inaction. Another problem in this is that most of us have some negative traits previously in our store house due to our past experience and conditioning. Imaginary Anchoring or Invisible Counseling Committee While watching a picture we anchor the Hero, placing ourselves in place of hero. Similarly we can anchor Great men in imagination and let them shape our personality. Another is the Invisible Counseling Committee comprising of great personalities of your choice. We can counsel from these great minds at times or situation. What decision or action he would have been taken in my situation.. Winston Churchill the war time British Prime Minister was following this principle. He had his Imaginary Counseling Committee by the side of his Chamber. Many great decisions he used to take by following these principles. Physical Action / Body Language Approach In general it is the positive practice or experiencing desired traits whether the desired perfection achieved or not. It is generally said that our personality traits control our body language. But it is a fact that the reverse is also true. This meanswe can change our negative traits towards positive traits by consciously practicing the body language for positive traits. Domino-effect. Direct exposure to good personalities or environment Here the direct environment is the driving force in shaping the personalities. When one constantly remains in direct contact with great personalities will enriches his own to be the one. Similarly the organization culture and structure also many times influences ones personality. Sometimes it is the guiding principle for job satisfaction / recruitment.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Alaska Airlines 3

It was a critical time for Alaska Airlines, and they never encountered such a challenge and crisis in the company's existence. Flight 261 had crashed killing 88 people on board; while the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) was reporting that the potential cause of the crash was due to a lack of regular airplane maintenance. Most detrimental to the airline was the media published a letter from 64 Alaska Airlines mechanics. The letter disclosed insider information regarding a base maintenance manager’s inappropriate activities of contradicting federal aviation regulations, leading to dangerous operations.This letter also built more evidence that it was Alaska Airlines’ negligence that resulted in the tragedy. In addition to the maintenance crew, the pilots posted a message on the union’s website complaining about the â€Å"misconduct† of Alaska Airlines. It was apparent that pilots, a integral assets for an airline company, did not trust corporate m anagement. Alaska Airlines had been run for 70 years and had climbed in status during the 1990s, if the company could not promptly and appropriately handle this crisis, its reputation could be destroyed.It was time to test Alaska Airline’s capability of handling crisis management, management system and labor relations. Alaska Airline, a veteran in the industry, would have to deal with the public scrutiny as they sorted through the government investigation to determine the exact cause of the crash. In the transportation industry, unions are common which made handling this crisis more difficult. The difficulty is due to every move or conversation the airlines make are out for the public to view and criticize. â€Å"Airing the dirty laundry† of Alaska Airlines was an extremely embarrassing situation .Management could not support the criticisms for fear of completely destroying their reputation. However, those criticizing the company were employees and knew firsthand what was happening. In the end, the company has to acknowledge the mismanagement of corporate management team. This spelled trouble for the airline. However, if everything was handled properly, there were still some possible solutions that would be helpful to the airline. If I were Mr. Hamel, I would communicate with the union panel members immediately.Although there were 64 mechanics participating in the complaint, the decisive power and attitude was in the announcement of the union. If the union sends a clear message to the public to criticize Alaska Airlines, it would lead to unpredictable damage to the future of the company. However, if the union spoke cautiously about the letter, it could help alleviate some of the negative press about the airline. Alaska Airlines should address the union so they understand that this was an individual case and not how the company runs its day to day operations.The airline would want the union to allow them to address the issue with the public and en sure safer operations in the future. If the union works with Alaska Airlines, they will secure a valuable opportunity to win back their reputation, investigate the issue and restructure its management. Hamel would try his hardest to persuade the union that this was a win-win solution for the union and Alaska Airlines. Second, Hamel needs to set up a joint investigate panel with the union leaders to investigate the complaints thoroughly.If the contents of the complaint were true, that manager should be held accountable. Holding managers accountable proves to the employees that the company does not tolerate unethical management practices. This should help the employees gain a little more trust into management, knowing that their voices are heard. Then, based on the issue, the investigation could be extended to a broader range to any areas concerning safety. Hamel again should address the union to get cooperation from them.The union needs to see that the airline is taking responsibilit y for their actions and that will regain some confidence from the union and employees. Considering the power of unions in any industry, it is risky for a company to address sensitive issues without union support. Lastly, Hamel should establish regular communication and develop a problem-solving system that keeps the union in touch with their labor style. It would be in the best interest of the Alaska Airlines to work with union from this point on so any conflicts that may arise are more likely to be worked out privately.In today's society all companies are trying to motivate employees to participate in corporate matters and contribute more opinions and ideas. Labor unions can be viewed positively when they help unite the employees and the corporation. The key is how to cooperate with the union and treat it as a resource to develop the business but not a hindrance to the company. By means of tackling this issue strategically, companies can dramatically unite and motivate their employ ees and finally create a long term win-win situation.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Lack of Strong Parental Figures Causes Juvenile...

The Lack of Strong Parental Figures Causes Juvenile Delinquency Imagine a thirteen-year-old boy living with his mother. His parents have been divorced since he was four-years-old. He has never really known his father and therefore uses his friends for his male role models. His mother has to work two jobs to support her family and is therefore not there to spend much time with her child. This is the type of child that is normally delinquent. Add to this scenario a group of teenage friends that are involved in delinquent activities and it is almost guaranteed that a juvenile delinquent will emerge out of this situation. In an interview that I conducted with a juvenile corrections officer this scenario†¦show more content†¦The only problem with this is that children do not need just a male and female role model in their life; they need a good male and female role model in their life. In this case it is not quantity of role models it is the quality of role models in an individual’s life. The main theory that best supports this inte rview is Hirschi’s social bond theory. This theory suggests that there are four elements of bonding that tie the individual to conventional society and thus prevent delinquency (Bynum and Thompson, 1999: 193). These elements are: attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief. According to this theory, if all four elements are present in an individual the individual will not commit delinquent acts. Yet if an individual lacks even one of these elements, that individual has a higher likelihood of committing delinquent acts. Hirschi said that there is large variation among individuals in the amount of attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief in conventional behavior and therefore there is variability in their ability to resist deviant and delinquent conduct (Bynum and Thompson, 1999: 193). He said that delinquents tend to have relatively weak social bonds and consequently feel little remorse for violating generally accepted social standards (Bynum and Thompson). The find ings in a study of four-thousand youths conducted in the cities of Denver,Show MoreRelatedJuvenile System1063 Words   |  5 Pagesdelinquent crimes. Focusing on what spawns delinquency in juveniles today, parenting is essential. During my visit to family court with fellow classmates I was honored to observe real live cases involving teenagers, and their parents. It was obvious that one main issue in the U.S. Juvenile Delinquency system is the lack of family structure. Family and delinquent relationships interconnect, ultimately, resulting to the core of delinquency. 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The term has also been used to label those who are engaging in criminal behavior prior to adulthood: juvenile delinquency. Researchers have made numerous attempts to understand why juveniles become delinquent in the first place. Literature Review Ever since the mid-20th century, an ever growing number of divorces and strained family relationships has increased the pressures felt by the children affected by this dilemma, thus increasing the chances of juvenile delinquency. DueRead MoreDifferent Phases Of Normal Human Development3544 Words   |  15 Pagesthat children who grow up in homes where they have a lack of warmth and support, whose parents lack behavior management skills, and whose lives are considered to have conflict or maltreatment will more likely be delinquent. On the other hand when there is a supportive family who has the ability to protect children even in a hostile and damaging external environment, these children have a lower risk in participating in delinquent behaviors. Parental monitoring and supervision is an important characteristic